Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Full Monty  

The first production by Pangdemonium! - a Singapore’s newest and most exciting theatre company, dedicated to bringing stories to life on the stage in the most dynamic way. Also a baby of Adrian Pang (a familiar face in Mediacorp) and his wife, Tracie Pang.

The 2 junior Pangs are part of the cast and they rotate the role as Nathan. Hossan Leong is hilarious as usual and what really surprise me is - Adrian Pang can sing VERY WELL.

I know he has been a theatre actor in UK before he relocates to Singapore but I sort of ignore that fact when I see him in Channel 8 shows. He struggles when he speaks Mandarin hence he always look a bit weird on TV.

Now I see him on stage and if you did as well, you will agree with me he belongs there but never the box. Go go Adrian... GO!

*slaps his bum in imagination*

What next?

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