Sunday, August 01, 2010

Chickety Chickety Pox  

28 Jul (wed) - f**k! Why is there a zit below my tummy? Must be the "time-of-the-month" soon and there's no where else the zits can pop! Argh...

29 Jul (thurs) - looks like I can pop it. *squeeze* Ouch, is it coming out? Eh? Why is there another one 2cm away? Argh... And three on my face quickly appearing. Argh... Argh...

30 Jul (fri) - The ONE on my face has turned volcano like. *squeeze hard* Ok, it flattens a bit. 6th surface and this time above my belly button. Wait a minute! One more on my back and another on my upper arm. Grossed to the max. What's wrong with me?

Few hours of itch later, I suspect these are not zits, they CAN BE chickenpox! I have to google NOW!

Red spots - checked
They itch - checked
Turn blisters - some
Fever - unchecked
Loss of appetite - that'll be good but unchecked
Body aches - BIG checked

Oh dear! Is it chickenpox or not? It is contagious right? I have dinner tonight. Do I need to cancel?

A smart-alec told me if it is really chickenpox, it is not contagious anymore when spots made their appearance. *roll eyes and scratch head*

31 Jul (sat) - feel slightly feverish. The temperature goes up and down. Another dinner tonight! I felt extremely tired and new spots (not many) keep appearing and old spots still itch. Applied calamine lotion all over.

01 Aug (sun) - Finally seeing a doc. Doc says most likely is chickenpox. Prescribe some painkiller, anti-viral and itch control medicine. Advise self-quarantine for a week and strictly no scratching. Warn that it can turn complicated and infect the lungs!

Boohoohoo... I am aching everywhere. I am lethargic. I am so uncomfortable. I just want to lie down and sleep. I am hungry (who says I'll lose my appetite). AND the one and only person next to me CANNOT understand.


What next?

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